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Invoker Report

The results of the Maven invocations.


Builds Success Failures Skipped Success Rate Total Time Avg Time
6 6 0 0 100.0% 26.0 s 4.3 s

Build Details

Name Result Time Message
AntRun with encrypted password : Tests the decryption of a password, and the availability of System properties inside an maven-antrun-plugin target success 3.6 s
Command-line set goal : Tests the ability to set credentials from the command-line. success 7.0 s
Command-line beats Configuration : Demonstrates specifying a normal config, but specifying a password on the command-line to pre-empt the normal lookup. success 2.7 s
Command-line beats Configuration : Demonstrates specifying a normal config, but specifying a username and password on the command-line to pre-empt the normal lookup. success 3.4 s
System properties inside a JUnit test : Test the availability of generated system properties inside a JUnit test. Note that you either have to specify forkMode=true for the Surefire Plugin, or pass the properties in via the argLine configuration option (in which case you wouldn't need to set the original parameters as system properties, but they would still be system parameters in the JUnit test). success 6.0 s
Use of the set-all goal : Tests the usage of the set-all goal, including the validate default phase success 3.3 s