
Feature Result for Build: 1

Scenarios Steps
Feature Total Passed Failed Total Passed Failed Skipped Pending Duration Status
Test of credentials-maven-plugin:set-all 1 1 0 14 14 0 0 0 306 ms passed
Feature: Test of credentials-maven-plugin:set-all
In order to expose username and password properties
As a Maven developer
I want to execute a credentials maven plugin which will populate them from server settings or command line properties
Scenario: Set all known credentials to properties
Given the Plugin useSystemProperties property is true296 ms
Given Server ding's username is whiz1 ms
And Server ding's password is bang0 ms
And Server dong's username is sing0 ms
And Server dong's password is song0 ms
When the set-all Goal is executed7 ms
Then there should be a Project ding.username property with value whiz0 ms
And there should be a Project ding.password property with value bang0 ms
And there should be a System ding.username property with value whiz0 ms
And there should be a System ding.password property with value bang0 ms
Then there should be a Project dong.username property with value sing0 ms
And there should be a Project dong.password property with value song0 ms
And there should be a System dong.username property with value sing0 ms
And there should be a System dong.password property with value song0 ms